14. June 2019

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All content provided on LaidBack Trip is for informational purposes only. While we work hard to provide our readers with useful, well-researched and up to date information, we will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information and accept no responsibility for any damages or losses arising in connection with the use of this website. Sometimes we use links to third-party websites we find useful or more detailed to the topic, but we have no control over the nature and content of these websites, and the inclusion of such links should not be taken as an endorsement of the views expressed therein.

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Hold Harmless

All the information provided on our blog/website is for entertainment purposes only and express the opinions of ourselves (Lucie Hermankova & Martin Tychtl), not others. We are not providing medical, legal or other professional advice. Please note that you are taking all the provided information at your own risk.

As English is not our first language and however we put lot time and effort into creating meaningful articles,  we cannot be held responsible for any offense taken due to translation, interpretation or mistakes in grammar or punctuation.

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Some of the links on LaidBack Trip website may contain affiliate links for relevant services such as accommodation, transport, tours etc. Purchases made through these links will earn us a small commission at no extra cost to you. We will ever only recommend products and services we use and that we feel are of high quality, value, and relevance to our readers.

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We pay for all the expenses on our trips unless stated otherwise in a disclosure statement at the bottom of each post. We will always share our honest, transparent and uninfluenced opinions. We don't accept pre-written sponsored posts, but we are open to discussing how to promote your product in our way. 

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