How to Stay Fit and Healthy While Traveling

Tips to stay healthy and fit when traveling.

Staying fit and healthy while traveling is difficult. As long term travelers, we know that staying in shape and maintaining a healthy diet is hard as well. Here we share our tips to stay healthy, fit, and some travel workout essentials you should pack when going abroad.

We love sports, workouts, and staying active, and we are always looking for ways to keep our engines running. Admittedly, traveling is not the best way to stay in shape.

In fact, the lack of exercise and healthy food when on the road is for us one of our least favorite things about traveling.

If you travel for a week or two, then your body will survive a bit of an unhealthy lifestyle. But even on these shorter trips, you probably don't want to change your diet or workout habits.

It's much more complicated when you travel long term as traveling and exercising are not exactly a perfect match.

But there is no way around it. Exercising and having a routine make you healthy. Not only when you are at home, but also when you travel the world. It's simple as that.

Long term traveling throws many obstacles in your way. However, the biggest enemy is your mind.

Interestingly enough, staying healthy and fit while traveling requires an identical approach as when you are at home. So the idea is the same whether you are at home or ten thousand kilometers away.

Stay active, and stop making excuses that today is not a good day for a short morning jog or a bike day trip.

Physical activity plays an important role in our lives, and we all should find enough time every day for some exercise even when the conditions are not perfect.

And as traveling can be both physically and emotionally difficult, staying in shape helps you to overcome all hindrances that stand in your way.

In this blog post, we share the best ways to stay fit and healthy while traveling.


One of the biggest travel mistakes most of us are guilty of when exploring new destinations is that we don't get enough sleep. The problem is quite obvious; the constant need to see more and travel farther collides with the limited vacation time.

Unfortunately, it takes a toll on our sleep schedule. Every human has something called Circadian rhythm that is an internal sleep-wake cycle. And traveling across multiple time zones has a negative impact on it.

We've been traveling the world for years, and if there is one thing we learned, it's that you should never underestimate the sleep routine.

Especially the long-haul flights together with overambitious travel itineraries can mess up with your healthy sleeping habits.

So the next time you travel, find a good sleeping pattern. Your mood, memory, or even immune system will strengthen, and you will enjoy the trip better.

If you are a light sleeper, get a sleep mask and earplugs. They are cheap, light, and ensure nothing will interrupt your sleep during the night.


Trying new or exotic meals in a foreign country is something most of us want to experience. It's not a secret that trying food from different cuisines plays a huge part in the whole reality of traveling.

We love trying new meals and visiting foodie destinations such as Melaka. This Malaysian hotspot is one of those places where you can spend days exploring its excellent food scene.

But eating out every day is not good for your health. And you don't have to go to renowned food destinations exactly. The problem remains the same no matter where you travel.

Most of the meals in restaurants are of poor dietary quality, often contain too much salt, unhealthy ingredients, and they are often not prepared in a healthy manner.

Simply put, all these factors are bad for your health.

The biggest problem is that not every time quality food is available. But you can always prepare your own meal, and we will talk about it in the next section.

Also, avoid eating junk food in fast foods. Sure, if you are new to the city, and your stomach churns as you are hungry, and see a McDonald's or Pizza Hut, then the temptation can be really strong.

But eating fast foods has many short and long term negative effects on your body, and it's considered bad in general.

Eating out is not healthy.


Making your own meal on the road from local ingredients is a great way to stay in shape. Not only do you have more control over the ingredients, but it's also much cheaper.

Eating fresh and wholesome meals will allow you to stay healthy even on the road, and you will feel other positive benefits as well.

In general, you will feel healthier, have more energy, and even sleep better.

Moreover, cooking your own meal forces you to buy the ingredients first. Local markets or even stores offer an interesting insight into shopping habits in different cultures. Needless to say, that fruit and veggie markets in Central America, Middle East, or Southeast Asia are incredible places to visit.

Visiting a local market is always a fantastic experience you shouldn't miss at all costs. And you won't find at home sweeter and more delicious bananas than in Costa Rica or sweeter mangos in Vietnam.

The only downside is that meal preparations require time, and some destinations lack stores with healthy ingredients.

You can cut down the time on preparation by finding quick and healthy recipes at home, so you don't have to think about what ingredients you need or what meal you will cook.

And here is some final advice. If you are looking for ways to save money for travel, skipping restaurant life and preparing your own food at home is one of the best ways to do it.


Eating your breakfast within a couple of hours of waking is vital for several reasons. It's your first meal of the day after a long night's sleep, so it fuels your body and brain and helps it perform at its best.

You need that energy to function properly, and you should never skip breakfast, no matter what the reasons are.

If it's the lack of time, which is quite common on your vacation, you can ask the restaurant staff to make you a packed breakfast for the next day.

If your accommodation doesn't serve breakfast, you can find a place that does. It's not difficult to prepare your own breakfast in the morning either.

Travel days can be tiring and exhausting, and breakfast will help you get through its early stages as it will replenish your energy after eight hours of sleep.

There are many ways to have a better vacation, and having a good and healthy breakfast (and eat well in general) is among the most important ones.


One of the simplest ways to stay healthy and fit on the road is to stay hydrated. Hydration is the key to success.

The equation is very simple. Stay hydrated when you travel, and your body will work better.

Studies show that up to 60% of the human body is made of water. So it's quite logical to keep your body well hydrated, as it's essential to your life.

Even though the facts and evidence are clear, plenty of travelers underestimate the focus on hydration while traveling.

Sure, we understand that there are situations where you want to enjoy the moment and not focus on basic human needs. Unfortunately, skipping hydration never pays off.

When traveling abroad, bring your own reusable water bottle. If tap water is not safe to drink or you are just worried about water quality, use SteriPen or water bottle with a filter.

Avoiding using single plastic bottles reduce your plastic footprint when your travel.

Plus, respecting the environment is always a great way to travel more sustainably.


Earlier, we already established that hydration is essential in enjoying your vacation. But if you've ever been to Southeast Asia that has a hot and humid climate, then you probably know the feeling that no matter how much water you drink, you still feel thirsty.

The easiest solution is to buy an ice-cold soda in the nearest grocery store. But if you make it a habit, then you can drink a couple of liters of sweet drinks while there every day.

We try to avoid drinks with added sugar as much as possible, but it's not always easy. The trick is to be prepared. Always bring plenty of plain water with you.


Alcohol is very similar to sweet drinks. It contains a lot of sugar. And obviously, the alcohol itself. Not only can you do a lot of embarrassing things under the influence of alcohol, but it's also not good for your health.

Moreover, drinking is expensive in most countries in the world and can make a hole in your wallet.

Unfortunately, our home country, the Czech Republic, is not one of them. We won't be here discussing the mayhem boozing tourists cause in Prague's city center or how much it costs as we want to focus on a different topic.

We've already mentioned some of the negatives of alcohol, but there are more.

Getting drunk and snoring till noon or even later throw your sleeping routine into disarray. The next day hangovers are not something you would call fun either.

And partying all night is just not good for your body at all. It doesn't mean we are strictly against alcohol.

Some countries have national drinks that are quite interesting to try. We had pisco sour in Cusco or caipirinha on Copacabana Beach ourselves.

And indeed, going to the Czech Republic and leaving without trying one of our handcrafted beers is a shame. Just use common sense, have a beer or two.

Just not in the way when we Czechs say "jdeme na jedno" (let's grab a beer). That never ends well.

Do exercises every day when you travel.


In order to stay active throughout the day, you need to boost your energy. Healthy snacks are the best way to keep your body running.

Whenever we know that we will spend a day hiking in the mountains or cycling in the countryside, we pack not only lunch but also a few healthy bars.

We love the most the raw organic snacks that contain no added sugars, but pretty much any energy bars will do.

On top of that, we like to bring a few bananas with us whenever we can, but they can get squashed easily and don't thrive in hot weather.


Walking is one of the best ways to stay fit, there is no doubt about it. Among the best health benefits of walking are improved fitness, a stronger heart, better mood, or prevention of weight gain.

Start right at the airport, and avoid all escalators. If you've just spent eight hours on a plane, your body and your legs need to stretch.

Those long flat escalators connecting terminals are constantly crowded, while the sidewalks are empty. Use them.

When you go for a city break, plan your travel itinerary in a way that will allow you to avoid taking public transport or taxis. Once abroad, you can explore most cities, towns, or villages on foot. It's easy and healthy.

Not only will your body benefit from this, but you will also see more (and for less money).

Like the time we spent an incredibly long day in Dresden and walked more than forty kilometers during the trip.

Regardless of whether you arrive in the mountains or on a tropical island, go for a hike. Get proper footwear and use trekking poles. They will help you to maintain balance, keep proper posture, and protect your knees.

Walking is often considered by many scientists as the healthiest form of exercise. So make sure to get the most of it.

Keep in mind that you can walk pretty much everywhere, but it should also make sense. If your vacation is only a week-long, then you probably want to see as much as possible.

And walking is often slower than taxis or buses. So use your common sense and try to balance it out. It's worth it.


Whenever you stay in a hotel, visit a museum or simply walk around a city, use the stairs. Really, stop taking elevators; they are not good for your health.

Every time you can choose between these two options, opt for the stairs. It's good for your heart, muscle strength, and you burn more calories.

And by the way, stairs are also a great stress and anger reliever, which helps you get rid of your negative feelings.

Plus, you can always play that silly game when you can count the steps on the way up to places such as Piedra del Penol or St. Vitus Cathedral.


If your hotel is located a kilometer or two from the train or bus terminal, then you don't need to take a taxi. You can easily get there on foot.

Every time we arrived at a new destination after a long bus ride, we put our backpacks on and walked to our accommodation. If you spend 12 hours on the bus, a nice walk will do wonders for your body.

Sure, if the hotel is 10 kilometers from the bus station, then you should take a taxi. But anything that's within a 30-minute walk is not worth taking a cab.

So the next time you have an impulse to hail a cab on the street, think twice, whether it wouldn't be better to get there on foot.

Mind you, some neighborhoods in cities such as Medellin or Rio de Janeiro are not exactly safe for wandering around their streets, especially after dark.

So, do some research, check the maps, and make sure that it's safe to walk. If not, take a taxi. It's not worth getting into trouble on your vacation.

Walking every day has many health benefits.


Staying fit on a road trip (or if you take many buses) is even harder than on your usual trip. Stretching your body after you spent a day in a car or on the bus is something that will help not only your body but also your mind.

You will feel better, and even your mood will improve. Honestly, keeping your personal yoga practice while on vacation is not difficult.

If you have more time, you can even find hotels or hostels that offer yoga classes (though you usually need to pay for them).

Basic yoga exercises are also perfect for those who spend longer times at higher elevations, as other workouts can be too difficult due to the lack of oxygen in the air.

We spent three weeks in Cusco working on our blog while waiting for the Inca Trail and Salkantay Trek tours, and we did yoga exercises every day. Running at an altitude of 3500 meters above sea level (and higher) is very challenging for most untrained people, so it's much better to stick with easier workouts.

So, you might be wondering whether you need a travel yoga mat or not? Yes, you do. In our opinion, having your trusty yoga mat with you makes all difference in the world.

Sure, yoga mats are not very compact, nor that light. But even though they take up a lot of space in your backpack, it's worth bringing one.

Most hotel rooms floors are not very welcoming as they are often too hard or even have stains. But when you roll out your yoga mat, you can feel like you are at home.

If you do only/mostly yoga exercises, then you should definitely bring your trusty mat.

However, the situation can be more difficult if you travel long term. Lugging extra weight every day for several months or even years is not fun nor comfortable.

In this case, you need to invest a bit more and find some best lightweight yoga travel mats to make your life easier. The initial investment will pay off soon enough.

If you plan on signing up for some lessons in a hostel, they usually have mats you can borrow, so there's one thing less to worry about.


While yoga and walking can keep your body healthy, you shouldn't avoid cardio exercises. Some of the most common cardiovascular exercises you can do while traveling is running, biking, swimming, hiking, high-intensity interval training, or even brisk walking.

If you are a minimalist, you can bring a jump rope or do jumping jacks combined with burpees.

However, be mindful of your surroundings and other guests. It's better to take your exercise outside of your hotel room.

More intense workouts are not only good for your heart, blood flow, or respiration but will help you burn fat faster. So, don't skip cardio exercises.


Every time we plan one of our long term trips, we try to include as many hikes as possible. Undoubtedly, hiking is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy on the road.

So the next time you go to the Canadian Rockies or Yellowstone National Park, make sure to include some hikes in your itinerary. Both areas are known for their epic scenic drives, but it's not good for your body if you spend too much time sitting in the car.

Hiking is the perfect activity for your mind and body. When you leave the buzzing cities behind, you can get closer to nature. And you can leave the crowds behind.

Also, try to avoid all those sky trams, cable cars, or gondola lifts. If there is an aerial tramway, there is also a hiking trail.

Sure, the tram ride takes 10 minutes, while the hike can take up anything between two to four hours of your time.

But your body will thank you in the long run. You might be a bit sore at the end of the day, but that's part of the exercise. Embrace it.


Regardless of whether you bike in the Atacama Desert or Kutna Hora, you won't find a much better activity to stay fit while traveling.

If you don't cycle regularly, you can start with something easy.

Biking Ruta de la Cascadas in Ecuador was a perfect way to explore the epic falls and stunning scenery near Banos. This single trail leads mostly downhill, so you can see whether you can do it or not and later decide on how to return.

Similarly, biking from Chimborazo was not difficult at all if you know how to ride on an unpaved road.

Once you are sure that you are fit enough or have adequate skills, you can find harder trails.

Moreover, some destinations such as Vietnam offer many opportunities to enjoy its top attractions from the bike.

Biking around the imperial city of Hue area that has ancient tombs, temples, and pagodas, was a superb experience.

In Hoi An, we biked 40 kilometers to the Marble Mountains and back on some of the worst bikes we've ever seen. But those Banh Mi we bought from a stall on a side road on the way back never tasted better.

We even rented a tandem bike in Mui Ne as it was the only available in the rental shop we found, which was fun.

Unfortunately, renting a bike doesn't often come as cheap as you would expect, but we consider it an investment in our health.

Biking is good exercise that improves strength, balance and coordination.


Unquestionably, maintaining your running habits while traveling is hard. Finding a good and safe trail is not often easy in unknown environments, and running in the busy streets of big cities is often not very enjoyable.

Therefore, many runners decide to skip this activity entirely during their vacation, which is a shame, as it's much harder to get back in shape afterward.

It's better to go running early in the morning to avoid busy streets or avoid heat in tropical destinations. By the way, running in the morning on a beach in places such as Tayrona National Park or Bocas del Toro while watching the sunrise is one of the best things you can do on your vacation.

Sometimes thinking out of the box is all that it requires. In Tulum, we decided that we can run to Tulum Ruins. Later we ran to the beach and eventually back to the hotel room.

While we understand that this might not be feasible for everyone, it's always good to find new inspiration.


The benefits of swimming are undisputable. Swimming builds muscle strength, improves endurance, keeps your heart up, or increases lung capacity. And some destinations are perfect for this activity.

A few years ago, we spent a week in one place on Ko Lanta to recover after many months of traveling around Southeast Asia.

Every day, we went for a swim along the shore in the morning and evening. Swimming in the sea is quite challenging, but it's one of the best activities you can do to stay fit. All you need to bring with you are the swim goggles.

Just make sure that the waters are safe for swimming.

Some destinations in countries such as Costa Rica or Panama are known for rip tides and strong currents making swimming in the area dangerous. Always do basic research before you go for a swim.

Even when you stay in the cities, you can find a local swimming pool. Just remember that indoor swimming pools usually have a strict swimwear policy, so you need to bring tight-fitting garments and swim caps.


Kayaking or canoeing are other activities that have many health benefits. Even if you paddle only for fun on your vacations, it's better than to watch your favorite TV shows in your hotel room.

Regardless of whether you want to explore alpine lakes such as Moraine Lake in the Canadian Rockies or hidden coves of Tioman Island in Malaysia, this water activity is good for your health.

Stand-up paddleboarding became really popular recently, and we can't fail to mention surfing, which has a strong community all over the world.

Kayaking is a good exercise when you travel.


Some people prefer to work out indoors. Searching for good accommodation is not difficult if you know what you are doing. But not all hotels are equal, and finding a hotel with a good exercise room can be a bit more challenging.

Moreover, if you are a budget traveler staying in hostels, then your choices are even more limited.

Most hostels don't have gyms, and the standard hostel etiquette is not to do your workout in the dorm room nor the common areas.

While you might get away in certain situations with a gentle yoga exercise that you will do somewhere in the corner, high-intensity interval training is out of the question.

So you need to be really careful with the choice, or you can pick a hostel that's close to a local park or outdoor facilities.

In Paraty, we found a beautiful colonial Pousada with a gym where we spent an hour every afternoon running on a treadmill and doing some strength workouts.

We know that building muscles while traveling is not on everyone one's mind. But the idea of exercising is that you should focus on your entire body, not just a part of it.

And when we saw the opportunity to spend some time in a fully equipped gym, we grabbed it.

So if you are one of those people who prefer gyms over outdoor spaces, then you should find a hotel with a gym or with a gym facility in its vicinity.

Keep in mind that some hotels have only small basic exercise rooms while some are quite large and well-equipped. However, the message is clear.

So the next time you book a hotel room, make sure that there is an exercise room. You won't get a chance to make excuses that there is not space to do your regular workout.


If you are new to the world of exercising, then you probably don't have any workout routine. Fortunately, you can find thousands of free workout videos online to help you stay fit even when you are so far from your home.

It's better to do some research beforehand, though, as the quality of these videos varies. Or you can buy a workout book.

It doesn't matter whether it contains simple stretching workouts or advanced yoga exercises; it will help you create your routine and keep your body fit and healthy while on the road.

The big advantage of paper books is that you can use them even in remote places without the internet (or make sure to have the video available in the offline mode).


Spending a week in an all-inclusive resort or onboard a luxury cruise ship after a year of hard work is a dream of many people. But the superb service makes our minds and bodies lazy. Moreover, lazing around will disrupt your workout schedule.

Instead, try to do something more exciting, something where you need to be more active.

Plan active holidays that revolve around sports. It can be pretty much everything, and quite often, even something that might not have crossed your mind.

Do you like walking? You can hike the Annapurna Circuit that requires about two to three weeks of your time. This challenging trek around Annapurna Massif that has a few peaks reaching a height of over 8000 meters, offers one of the best ways to spend your vacation actively.

Luckily, this is not the only trek in the world that you might want to consider, as almost every country has its own unique hiking trail.

Or are you a fan of cycling? You can plan a biking trip around the Swiss Alps, the Dolomites in Italy, or Lake Balaton. There are thousands and thousands of cycling trails around the world that are perfect for active travelers.

Are you planning to take a few months off work? You can do something more hardcore.

Camino de Santiago, Appalachian Trail, or Te Araroa Trail is another example of world-famous long treks that will keep your mind and body in shape.

While not everyone has so much vacation time, there might be a period in your life where you might be looking for a similar adventure. But that's not all; we have more examples.

Walking is not the only activity you can think of.

Biking the Carretera Austral or Ring Road is probably a completely different experience from what you are used to typically. Not every time you need to rent a car.

We even met people biking Salar de Uyuni, which must be really challenging due to the trail condition and high elevation. Nevertheless, the idea remains all the same.

As you can clearly see, holidays can be spent actively, so it's only up to you, whether you are up to the challenge or not.

Lastly, local travel is perfect for active vacations if you're trying to figure out whether you will enjoy it or not.

Hiking is one of the healthiest sports.


So what if cycling for two weeks in the Pyrenees is not your thing. What if you sign up for a cruise anyway? Well, it's a bit harder, but even on cruises, you can stay active.

A few years ago, we cruised the Galapagos Islands for a week. And while this travel experience can be life-changing for various reasons, boat life limits your activities a bit.

So when the kayaking trip was on the program, we went for it. When we were offered snorkeling with sea lions, we said yes. We never missed a single naturalist inland hike.

All these activities were not only incredibly fun and educational, but they also helped our bodies to stay in shape throughout the whole week.

It doesn't matter if it's the cruise or hotel resort that limits your exercising. As the old proverb goes, when there's a will, there's a way.


Sometimes it's hard to find the motivation to work out on your vacation. One way to combat it is to find someone you can share your passion with.

Travel couples have their life a bit easier, as they can do exercises together, given that you both like an active way of life.

If you are a solo traveler, you can find new workout buddies in the hostels, local gyms, or through online groups.

When you travel with your family and kids, you should include them in your plans. You can go hiking even with toddlers. The only thing you need is the toddler backpack carrier or baby seat if you want to try cycling.

Once they are a bit older, you can plan shorter or easier hikes with them. Sure, you won't cover the same distances as you would when going solo, but that's not the point.

The idea is that you can spend your vacation together while being active.

And most importantly, working out with someone makes everything much easier and more fun.


If you travel for a longer period of time, make sure you pay attention to your body. Your body will let you know if something goes off the rails.

Just make sure you don't turn 'listening to your body' into 'making excuses' mode.

But equally, pushing too hard has the opposite effect on your body. Additionally, if you have problems with your knees, you should avoid doing squat jumps or other exercises that can cause a lot of knee pain or even injuries.

And remember, taking a rest day if you feel worn out or sore is never a bad idea. It was something we had to learn the hard way.

If you plan on super active holidays and know that you have plenty of space in your backpack, you can consider bringing the foam roller that helps with recovery.

Get the one that's hollow, so you can stuff your things inside to save some space.


Traveling for several months in a row can be exhausting, depending on your travel style. So, every once in a while, we like to take a break from everyday travel life.

Basically, it means that we find a suitable location and use it as a base to recover our battered bodies.

We find a room with a kitchen where we can cook our own meals, and that is strategically set to a park (or close to the sea, gym, etc.). Then, we set a routine, eat healthy, sleep well, and do a lot of exercise.

A new routine is good not only for your body but also for your mind. Facing new situations and dealing with strangers every day can be stressful.

And enjoying some quality time off, getting away from traveling, and doing things you enjoy are the best ways to get back on track.


Lastly, keep in mind that this is still your vacation. And getting injured from intense exercises or sports activities can ruin it.

Always make sure you have proper travel insurance. You can end up paying thousands of dollars even for minor procedures when abroad, and it's never worth taking a risk to travel without one.

Simply put, the medical expenses in foreign countries can be brutal.

We never leave home without travel insurance that was designed to cover our expenses if something goes wrong during the trip.

Travel insurance protects against theft, flight delays, injury, illness, cancellations, and much more.

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers to cover their trip essentials, including sports and adventure activities.

SafetyWing is affordable travel insurance for backpackers, long-term travelers, and digital nomads.

Travel smarter and safer!

Travel Resources

Here you can find links to all the travel resources we use and which you might find helpful when planning your next holiday.

Accommodation: When looking for accommodation, we usually search hotels via or Hostelworld.

Tours: Although we love to travel independently, some places are better to visit with a guided tour.

We prefer GetYourGuide for its easy-to-use interface and solid reputation. Another great alternative is Viator.

Rental Cars: When going on a road trip, we always use, a reliable site for booking a rental car in advance.

Flight Tickets: When looking for flight tickets, you can search Skyscanner to find the best price.

Travel Insurance: World Nomads and SafetyWing cover against risks of travel.

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